Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Funny pictures & success!

This morning I took my smaller camera to take pictures of Luna on our morning walk. Turned out the battery was almost dead, so I took only a few shots. The above is one of them. Here’s two more I found hilarious;

Haha! Silly happy dog!
Later today my mom came to my room for a few minutes, this is what happened;

I just caught a little tail action in the first shot, she was drumming the trash can like a pro! Apparently it’s very funny to be laughed at. You’re welcome, miss sleepy head!

You can just see the black nose and paw of a giant stuffed polar bear. It’s supposed to sit on the couch’s backrest, but Luna keeps knocking it off.

Our longer morning walk went well, I played my version of the ‘Kaboom Game’ (grab a handful of treats, run off yelling ‘Kaboom!’, then dropping the treats on the ground) about 3-4 times and each time Luna was like, 'what?! Cookiefest! Yay!'

I did it once (first time) last night, and as I ran and dropped the treats, I spotted an approaching dog (in the same place as the black Lab from before). That would be interesting! Dog (on leash) & owner reached us while Luna was eating, dog had NO eye (or nose) for the treats all over the ground whatsoever, he just wanted to sniff Luna’s butt. Luna sniffed him for like, one second, and went back to hunting for treats. NO tension in her body, no tension in her eyes, she was just completely unconcerned with this dog. Nice! We did know this dog, she’s seen him quite often and seems to think he’s a nice little guy. That said, when we normally meet them I do have to guide Luna through the interaction until they are nose-to-nose, or she’ll show tension with this dog, as well. So I guess I can say last night was an absolute success! Bravo Luna!

Today I’ve also published this blog online here. So if you’ve just reached us, hi and welcome!

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